Wednesday 12 October 2011




Thank you for your recent interest and valued inquiry regarding our unique and hugely popular Mail Order Business Projects. This is your first contact with us. We welcome you! This business is about just simple paper works at home. By just doing these paper works you can earn upwards Rs. 30,000 per month! It is guaranteed as there are several people who are making good money.
It's our pleasure to inform you that not everyone in your town gets this exciting opportunity. Now the doors to the world of Mail Order Business are open to you! It is a very attractive business for many reasons, mainly because it's a business you can run from your home in your spare time! There is no face-to face contact with customers. It's an ideal business for anyone-housewives, students, employed, unemployed and retired persons - for anyone who wants an additional income in his/her spare time or full time. But the biggest attraction is a concept of letters containing cheques, postal orders and money orders. It’s like cash is being pushed through your letter box every morning! We are offering you a solid, respectable, truly high-class business opportunity. It is not easy, as some people would claim. Nothing is easy. But it can be very rewarding and great fun, if you follow our steps. In our home-based Mail Order course we will teach you how to make best use of your spare time and earn handsome income. Just follow our course of proven instructions and start getting a huge monthly income by utilizing your own comfortable time and place.
At last, 'Mail Order Business',  keep in mind that it's 100 % sure you can earn Rs. 30,000 every month.


In this, MOB, there is NO FACE-TO-FACE CONTACT between YOU & THE PEOPLE TO WHOM YOU POST LETTERS - & THE COMPANY FOR WHOM YOU'LL WORK, until & unless you want. So it's suitable for everyone.
  • In this work You are the Boss -- you don't have to work under someone's pressure or direction.
  • The best advantage is the Free Dealership which you will get. It will be your additional income other than what you earn from MOB.
  • From the book you'll learn very easily, in a step-by-step method, what you have to write/type in letter that you'll post along with other papers of the company.
  • And you don't have to search for people; you'll automatically get hundreds of people everyday.
At last, we would just say that part-time/full time work is very easy. Some students, housewives, and other people who are doing their job are now getting more than Rs.20,000 per month, while others with experience of more than 6 months in MOB are now getting at leastRs.35,000/- or more. So go ahead and grab this wonderful opportunity before the free dealership closes down. Success is 100% sure!!   Other Advantages:
  1. Immediate Money and Lifetime Dealership: As you enroll in this course to start a lucrative profitable home based business, you straightaway get a FREE Dealership to EARN MORE THAN Rs.30,000 per month (Please note this is in addition to what you earn from Mail Order).
  2. FREE Consultancy: For one complete year! Please feel free to ask any Question. Call us by phone or by Post.

Dear Sir/ Madam

Congratulations! You have finally found it!
Weather you’re looking for a week or years here it is! An honest, sensible. workable, realistic method of generating a massive income at home

Before telling you about the Mail Order, we would like to inform you that we are a member of Inter Circle USA & involved in various types of Mail Order publications and programmes. The system we are about to explain to you in this course is absolutely the easiest and most profitable way to make money in your spare time, from the comfort of your home! Many People are earning big income from this profitable activity.

Probably there is no other business in this world today which can be started with such a small investment and without any experience, which can produce such a spectacular result right from the start. I am sure, a careful and analytical study of the facts will assist you in making an intelligent decision. Now… You can have your own business, start and finish whenever you want and confidently expect money orders, DDs and cheques everyday. I am always here to assist you in all possible way to make you successful.


Cordially Yours,
G-BIZ Info System Pvt. Ltd.

The Mail Order Research
and Publishing Institute


Section I:
Getting Started
  • Understanding the Mail Order Business
  • An Advice to Beginners
  • Everything you’ll need to get started
  • Mail Order Business Guide for Beginners
  • Money Making Guide to Mail Order Riches
Section II:
Advertising in Mail Order
  • The Secrets of Successful Advertising
  • Establish your Own In-House Ad Agency

Section III:
Mail Order Management & Business Tools
  • Book Keeping Basics
  • Market Analysis Tools
  • Making Profits in Direct Mail
  • Money Making Tips
  • Tools to Stay Safe in Mail Order
Section IV:
Mail Order Business Guide
  • The FAQ of Mail Order Business
  • 125 Basic Steps to Mail Order Success
  • Dictionary to Mail Order Terms
  • Twenty Major Reasons
Section V:
Special Reports & Projects
  • Questions for you
  • G-BIZ Mail Directory
  • 10 Mail Order Reports

Here is why you will find it is not just a Course. This powerful information pack reveals all the incredible ways so that a newcomer can start his own mail order business. In fact, many working people will be embarrassed when they discover……. While they are working 40 + Hours each week to earn a living that they have earned only a fraction of what others have made while working part time using some of these methods. Further it will take you on a step – by – step journey towards financial success. I will tell you some important facts about mail order business.

You‘ll be learning wealth creating methods. It is explained step by step for all newcomers. It will help you to understand the real secret involved in this business. Thousand of people who are already successful started with NO previous experience.
The entire material is written in layman’s language. So even the person with no experience whatsoever can easily learn this business and start working. All of which can help you “test” these methods for yourself immediately – at a little cost. This will be your additional income for life time. Enroll today ! Post the discount order form ! Get Started Now !!


"MOB is amazing just like a magic, I made Rs. 21,600 in the very first month"
 Sharad Singhal, Delhi
"The MOB ideas & information are practical. The free dealership is fast cash for me"
Sidharth Verma, Jammu
"The steps mentioned in MOB is very easy to understand. Now I am earning thousands everyday.                                                                                                                  A. R. Choudhary, Kolkata
“I am thanks to G-BIZ team for giving me such an opportunity. After two months I started MOB, I am experiencing financial growth".                                                                                                                 V. Malathi, Bangalore
"I have tried so many different things over the years. None of them turned right. Now I have finally hit a jackpot of great income source! Thanks to G-BIZ team"                                                                                                                 Shikha, Chandigarh
This Course is uncomparable to any other offer I came across. It really works & now I'm feeling financial freedom"                                                                                                                 V. K. Patel, Gujarat
"Fantastic ideas worth exploring as an alternative to a 9 to 5 job".
Anju, New Delhi
"I am retired looking for ways to go; I found it in this course."                                                                                                                 C. V. Rao, Hyderabad
"Thanks for all your support in establishing my own MOB at home. I'm very happy with your Dealership offer"                                                                                                                Selvyn Mark, Mumbai
"As a housewife now I'm feeling more creative & productive at home. It's more profitable than I thought! Thanks for providing such information"                                                                                                                - Ms. Geetha, Kashmir 

"It's an easy to start business with massive potential.
The world's most exciting business"

 Joe Karbo, Mail Order Dealer and Author

"The mail order information business is booming. Regardless of hard times and inflation, the Mail Order Business continues to increase at a fantastic rate. Isn't it time, you get your share of these huge profits?"
Neal Micheals, USA

"Definitely a newcomer will be benefited by this course, as it teaches the fundamentals to start the Mail Order. It is also useful to mail order dealers".
Mr. Rajnish Singh, Editor, TD, New Delhi

"The most simple business I have ever known. Even after earning thousands I do not need any employee!"
S.R. Dutta, India


Think about it - what's the number one concern of most people today's ? Money right?
You'd better believe it!

No matter who you are. Your color, race, age, religion, whether male or female, poor or rich, or where you live, do not under estimate the potential that you personally posses to make money. The Author of this course will not attempt to make you believe that money is growing on trees but money is easy to obtain if you really want it. The author has worked long and hard and is a graduate of the "School of Hard knocks" in bringing you this special material.
So this business course is designed for operation, and works best, from the comforts and privacy of your own home. In all honesty, it will take you a couple of hours a day to run this business and start realizing some real profits.


Mail Order Business:
Housewives, students, Unemployed, Retired persons or Businessmen – anybody can start!
This Comprehensive course contains all the information and facts about home based Mail Order business and an enormous amount of valuable up-to-date business techniques. It is easy to understand and practical, which makes you start the business within few days!
Start Part - Time
Work in your spare time, when you are not at your regular job. Later, after your business has increased, you can make a decision to expand.
Small Investment 
Less than any local business investment will get you start.
Low Overhead
Operate from your home. Mail Order Business is the perfect home based business. There is no need to rent an office or buy expensive equipment.No age limit 
Anyone at any age can become involved, except children!No other experience required!No computer or knowledge of computers is necessary. Can be operated single handedly.No Personal selling required 
All aspects can be done through the mail.No Scheme
Its not MLM Or Network marketing, or a scheme or a chain letterA Perfect family business 
Husband and wife teams have built some of the largest, most profitable home-based business in the world.Easy and simple
Thousands of people are already successful, Now it's your turn to build a fortune.
Start immediately 
You can literally be in business within 10 days.


The MOB Package Will Contains The Following Things:
1.       Appointment Order.
2.       Authorisation Letter with Certificate.
3.       Step–by–Step instructions on how to start a perfect home based business.
4.       Free Mail Order Business Book worth Rs. 1250/-.
5.       Free Money Making Kit.
6.       Free dealership & Approval Application form to earn more than Rs. 30,000/-
Heavy Discount:
This complete Home-Study Course + Free Money Making Kit + FREE dealership worth Rs. 1500/- is all yours for just Rs. 790/- (in India Rs. 605 + Rs. 185 Postage, Handling & Service Charges) only. (For all other Countries US $ 60.00 or Equivalent). Offer for limited period only.How to Apply:
Simply complete the Membership Application Form with your full details, Post it along with Rs.790/- Demand Draft in favour of M/S G-BIZ INFO SYSTEM PVT. LTD. payable at NEW DELHI.


100 % Risk Free Money Back Guarantee:
We are confident that this course will work for you, that’s why we give you this fool-proof offer:- If for any reason you want to return the course guide, even if you just change your mind, must return it within 10 days, we’ll give you a prompt, courteous, full amount refund, (Except Postage, Handling & Service Charges) No questions asked ! You can keep FREE “Money Making Kit” as our complementary gift just for trying this course.

Remember your must make Money
or your Money back!


You can send your payment using Demand Drafts
Make the Demand Draft in favor of 'M/S G-BIZ INFO SYSTEM PVT. LTD.' payable at NEW DELHI and
Mail it to:
Mr. N.R.Kosuru.
#29A, Nagarjuna Nagar Colony,
Road No.2, ICICI Bank Line,
Kushaiguda, ECIL (Post),Keesara (Mandal),

                                                                      ORDER FORM


Email Id



Pin code






Mode of Payment


Details of your Demand Draft
Drawn on Bank

DD Number


I have read and understood all the information. I hereby agree with the same.


For any inquiry send email to

Note :  Your name will be registered once your payment is confirmed, and you will get your  MOB package within 10 days from our Head Office.

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